Frequently Asked Questions
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2019-10-15
- View count:934
Q1 What is the procedure and documents for prisoner applying for home visit in open prison?
Ans: The prisoner is not allowed to visit other family and friends other than his a direct relation, spouse or other family members living under the same roof. It is essential to render transcript of family register as proof. The followings are the essential documents and rules for applying home visit :
- The amount of work score per month should over 80% within 2 months before the application of home visit, which is started after the month that inmates transferred to open prison.
- There is no violation or deducting records for behavior and edification scores before the application of home visit within 2 months.
- Essential documents of home visit: application form, interview record, family agreement and household registration transcript within 3 months.
- The essential documents should be delivered before the 5th of each month for auditing process.
- Home visit times:
- An inmate who is sentenced less than three years can apply for home visit once a month.
- An inmate who is sentenced not less than three years but not more than six years can apply for home visit once for every two months.
- An inmate who is sentenced not less than six years but not more than twelve years can apply for home visit once for every three months.
- An inmate who is sentenced over twelve years and indeterminate sentence can apply for home visit once for every four months.
- The total time amount of home visit is forty hours which can be prolonged for twenty-four hours during the national holidays over three days continually exclude the time needed for transportation. A ruling to extend or shorten a time period will take inmates domicile or residence into account and shall be made by the warden.
- The home visit inmates who are unable arrive in time for the following situations need to report to the prison at the original-permitted day:
- When a natural disaster or emergency occurs, the transportations or emergency need to be solved.
- An inmate suffering from acute epidemical diseases need to receive medical treatment in hospital or be isolated should be approved certification of public or private hospital.
Q2 What is the time period for meeting during the working days and weekends?
Ans: Visitors can book the visit between 10:00 – 11:00 and from 14:00 – 15:00, from Monday to Saturday.
Q3 How to apply for a home visit when inmates’ family members pass away?
Ans: When an inmate’s family member passes away, he or she can apply for a home visit. The applicant should bring an ID card, a stamp and the following documents:
(1) Certificate of death
(2) Household registry (to prove the relationship between the inmate and the deceased)
You also can come in person to our prison and register a home visit. (The above-mentioned information can be found in the column of our website ‘Public Service.).
Q4 How to apply for a home visit when a severe accident has happened to inmate’s parents?
Ans: When an inmate’ parents are very ill in the hospital, facing a threat to life, he or she needs to visit them urgently. Please prepare the following certificates:
(1) The hospital where his or her parents stay issues the inmate a certificate of diagnosis and a notice of life-threat.
(2) The household registry of the inmate which can prove the relationship between the inmate and the patient in the hospital.
Before you come to our prison to apply for a home visit for an inmate, please register the application for a home visit in the Ministry of Justice for permission.
Q5 How to register for marriage in prison?
Ans:Inmate can fill in a power of proxy and ask their relatives or friends to apply for marriage registration on behalf of them at the local household registration office.
Q6 How to register prison visits for public?
Ans:To help the public realize the operation of open prison, anyone who are willing to visit this prison can download and fill in the visiting form by clicking the link of “Service for the public” for free, then fax or email this form to edification section, then the officer will contact to you to arrange this visit as soon as possible.
Phone:(03)8705512, Email:
Q7 what is the medical treatment for inmates in this prison?
- In coordination with public health policies, we cooperate with Taipei Veterans General Hospital Fenglin Branch to provide on-walk medical care three times a week.
- There will be a bleeding examination for every first time inmate seasonally and for all of inmates annually inside prison, and hygiene education class and Chest X-Ray will be held regularly.
- To prevent the misuse of drugs problem, we have random urine test to enable inmates to live a healthy life inside prison.
- Enhancing the emergency medical care for prison officers, such as CPR and EMT courses.
- Health checks are given and prevention campaign against transmittable diseases is held on a regular basis. In this way, we ensure inmates their medical rights.
Q8 How to apply to get temporary open prison employees?
Ans: An applicant should fill out the application form, clarify the number of employees he or she needs, the total days of employment (from which day to which day), work features and so on. Then we would ask the Security Section to dispatch an official to arrange an appointment and inspect the working place to understand the conditions of working place and evaluate the security and control issue. The next step is to obtain the superintendent’s authorization of the application and arrange the working time between 08:15 – 16:45, from Monday to Friday.