Introduction of Six Educational Parks
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- Last updated:2020-01-02
- View count:740
We have practically combined the skill training courses with local labor market and industry, which can help inmate to build their living skill and design the vast operating area into six education parks to exhibit the beauty and diversity of this environment and the achievements of corrections revolution, these parks are described as follows:。
A Biological Park
To utilize the waste water and sewage properly and environmentally, we have design a natural wetland system for purification with the assistance of Hualien Branch Soil and Water Conservation Bureau.
B Pesticide Free Park
The institution has passed the“Pesticide-free Agricultural Demonstration Establishment”of Hualien County Government, and granted for health mark accreditation.
C Domestic Animals Raising Park
There is a variety of domestic animals have been raised here, including buffalo, cattle, pet pig, boar, duck, goose, goat and rabbit, etc.
D Gardening Creation Park
Cooperated with “Hualien Tourism Department”, we have planted numerous types of flowers and potting and take part in the exhibition held by “East Rift Valley National Scenic Area” annually.
E Farm Implements, Wood & Stone Carving Skill Training Achievements Display Park
In order to preserve the original culture of stone sculpting and agriculture, the administration has collected many batches of agricultural artifacts and old-school farming tools from Dafu Elementary School and nearby residents. Moreover, we have established an exhibition center where the wealth of our collection and inmates’ handicrafts are on display.
F Environment Preserve Park
In addition to wastewater and garbage recycling, we have created a recycling model of kitchen and livestock wastewater to make the institution to be a beautiful place to work.